Jones Chapel Baptist Church
Reverend Bryce D. Jamison is a native of Walterboro, South Carolina and the son of Reverend Norman Jamison and the Late Sister Theola Jamison. Now residing in Orangeburg, he and his wife, Renee are the proud parents of two daughters (Marquitis and Patrice) one son-in-law (Joe), two granddaughters (Nadiyah and Marley) and two grandsons (Kori and Liam).
Within 60 days of coming to Jones Chapel, Minister Bryce D. Jamison was off, and running, literally. On Saturday, September 15, 2001, he was elected as the pastor of Jones Chapel Baptist Church. Sunday, November 18, 2001, was his Installation Service, which followed his ordination services at the Mt. Olive Baptist Church of Walterboro, South Carolina just a few weeks prior.

Since his acceptance of the leadership role, Pastor Jamison has been instrumental in the formation of several new organizations here at Jones Chapel - The Seniors Ministry; the Singles Ministry; the Male Chorus; the revamping of the Ladies Auxiliary, the Missionary Society , the Outreach Ministry and the Young Adult Choir. He transformed the Youth Department and Youth Advisory Board into a formal Youth Ministry, given the fact that he served as the Director of the Youth Ministry of the Mt. Olive Baptist Church.
Reverend Jamison has physically involved himself in all church activities and organizations. Every Sunday he reads from Malachi 3, and does more than his fair share to help with fundraisers; however, he never misses an opportunity to teach tithing.
Recognizing that the Bible Bowl had a great impact on the youth in Colleton County; which Reverend Jamison was the co-founder of the Colleton #1 Union Bible Bowl, he introduced the concept to the Orangeburg area. His Bible Bowl concept (a Scripture Study program geared and designed to stimulate the interest of the youth in studying the Bible) was a regular part of the Mt. Pisgah Union program outline. Reverend Jamison served as the Moderator of the Mt. Pisgah Union, one of our affiliated organizations. Reverend Jamison was elected in October 2007 to serve as the Vice Moderator and then elected in October 2011 to serve as of the Moderator of Mt. Olive Baptist Association, another of our affiliated organizations.

Pastor Jamison enjoys ‘good clean Christian Fun’ but does not squander his calling for winning and bringing souls to and for Christ – from the youngest to the oldest. He has the gift to ‘gab’, a talent he possesses and apparently mastered when he was the Station Manager, Radio Announcer and Sales Manager for WVGB Radio in Beaufort, South Carolina. While not being pushy or making a nuisance of himself, he never misses the opportunity to share ‘The Word”.
Pastor Jamison is an advocate of all the ministries here at Jones Chapel but because we are losing our youth in great numbers to the streets, Pastor Jamison puts many hours and great efforts into working with and for our youth. In recent years, the formation of a Health Ministry has been an added benefit to the church and community. Under his prayerful guidance, the Health Ministry was able to obtain a grant that afforded the church the opportunity to build a walking trail.

This has been a brief overview of history in the making by Reverend Bryce D. Jamison and his visions. Not as traditional as most histories, but a quick yet brief peek through the window at the reasons we are here celebrating with our pastor. We, also, want to show our gratitude for his years of hard work and for the endless service, he gives. For, it is written that, we are all here for a reason, a season or a lifetime. Whichever role or impact Reverend Jamison has made in your life, rest assured that it was or it is the path that God laid for you and Pastor Jamison. It is his prayer that all of his efforts are within the will of God while always being led by the Holy Spirit.